Monday, May 29, 2006

Quad Cities

It is sooo hot up here in Illinois/Iowa (Quad Cities). I am racing this weekend and I have to say it hurts, a lot a bit. Saturday we did a thing called "Snake Alley", which is a 1 block straight uphill cobble stone climb with the remaining approx. mile being primarily downhill until you come around again to climb the crooked street. They used to use it for testing draft horses ability to pull a work load uphill back and forth pulling a wagon. Anyway, I thought I was going to die, it was so hot!~!! I mustard out a 20th spot out of approx. 40 women.

On Sunday we went to Weed Park in Muscatine. Kind of like being in Carondelet Park only a little longer climb. Though I was a goner once, hurt really bad another due to my engine overheating, but somehow with 2 laps to go I kicked myself in the rear and sent myself flying for a 6 place finish.

I will let you know how the Memorial Day crit goes. It is flat, fast, and lots of turns. Should be a good day for me. My motivation you say? $2400 in the pot, 20 places, but the $500 first place is like a carrot on a stick or should I say a rabbit on a rail!!!

How about that lucky Chris out in Cali?
See ya!
go ride today ladies and by all means have a blast.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing about your biking adventures! Wanted to let you know I'm a new rider, I went to the 11am Forest Park ride Sat. morning and met up with another rider, took off, rode and rode farther than I have ever gone, got lost, got hot, got back on track and had a blast!! Thanks for starting this group. I really hope the Saturday rides conitnue, although I think meeting earlier might be better and attract more riders. (heat, saturday obligations, etc)


7:27 AM  

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